Gummy Vitamins: Caution!
We have been seeing some rapid decay in kid’s teeth due to Gummy Vitamins. They’re the newest entry into the Dental Hall of Shame.
Well-meaning parents have been scammed into thinking these are good for children, or adults. These tend to get jammed in between baby molars, and slow-release sugar which is the worst thing for decay.
Tooth before gummy vitamin use.
Tooth after using Gummy Vitamins for 6 months. This little boy ate a very good diet, kept his mouth very clean, but lost the tooth due to decay from Gummies.
These are a terrible idea even though they taste good- basically treat these as candy. Many companies have them now. The only safe ones are sweetened with Xylitol. Watch out for Halls Vitamin Drops- cough drops with vitamins. Also a scam- it’s just candy.
There is a real possibility of overdose too if a child gets their hands on the container and eats up these yummy candies.
Here’s a link to an article about them: Gummy Vitamins, Rotten Teeth