

Endodontics literally translates to “inside” (endo) the “tooth” (dontia). The dental pulp is the tissue contained within the tooth. It functions in the development of the tooth and it continues to provide nourishment for healing throughout life.

Most common reasons a tooth may develop inflammation or infection:

  • Dental decay (large deep cavities)

  • Accumulative effects of placing several filling over time

  • Traumatic injury (accident)

It is not healthy to leave a tooth in your mouth that has infection, as the bacteria can make you sick in various ways, especially if your health is otherwise compromised.
A tooth that is dying or dead can be endodontically treated. We can perform this in our office, and we use a special biocompatible protocol to sterilize all the tiny areas inside the root.
We then seal it with an inert rubber material and special Bioceramic sealer.

For more complex cases, we refer to an Endodontist. Endodontists use their special training and experience in treating difficult cases such as teeth with narrow or blocked canals, or unusual anatomy.  They can perform complex treatments faster than we can, which is more comfortable for the patient.

We do follow-up xrays and other tests to confirm that teeth have healed well after endodontics. We want to see the infection resolved, and new healthy bone and tissue growing in where there was infection.

There are times that endodontic treatment cannot eliminate all the infection.  There are now 3D cone-beam xrays that can accurately check for areas that are failing or not healing, and sometimes re-treatment or tooth removal and replacement is needed.

Please visit the website of Dr. Serota (our referring Endodontist) for more information about his practice and services